Friday, April 20, 2018

Dragonling Transformation (commission)

Part of a new series of a fantasy world's inn manager who turns into a horny dragon girl. It was fun writing a capslock, kind of dense dragon goddess in Tiamat...

Gabe was looking forward to his future. He was a young man with a good head on his shoulders, a helpful attitude, and an eye for money. He was never greedy or stingy, but he always knew how to save his gold and what was a good price per pound. He just had a thing with numbers. Armed with that, some careful loans, and some encouragement from friends and family, he found himself at Hillside looking at his simple building that would become his inn.

He didn't know all the details, but the short of it was that Hillside was a pioneer town at the outskirts of the human territories. It had promise of growing, but now it was barely over a hundred people with far fewer buildings. There was talk of being a place to rest for adventurers and local patrols, and that meant they'd need a place to stay. Gabriel had made sure to mention this in all of his pitches when gathering funds for the place, and he had redone the math plenty of times. He'd have the place paid off in a year and then it was nothing but profits.

He finally set foot inside the finished building with its wide bottom floor and the smooth, fresh steps leading up to the rooms. He'd had one modest one at the end of the hall as his own private room, leaving the bigger ones for his guests rather than spoil himself. He was taking final inventory when there came the little knock at the front door. Knowing that the only people that would be here had their own houses (or at least some wagons or tents until they finished their cabins), he came back out of his stockroom to open it.

There was a kobold there in a ragged hood of old cloth wrapped around it. Her head barely reached his thighs if you counted the horns, and some dull red coloration to her scaly skin. Gabe was puzzled, but not concerned. Kobolds were a fairly harmless race for their size and talents for mining, and they made common trading partners with humans. Their talents for mining was one thing, but their native reptilian language meant they could even establish trades with dragons if they were around.

"May I have a warm place tonight?" Gabe got the impression that English came as a second language to her. Her high and gravelly voice sounded a bit clipped and atonal, as if she had learned it from a book or secondhand.

Gabe didn't have much for a staff or food, but the place was naturally sturdy enough to stay in. "Yea, come in in. You're my first guest here," he said with a small chuckle. "It could still use some paint here and there, but it's a start, right?"

The kobold stepped in gingerly and nodded. "I don't have any for money," she said with apprehension clear on her voice. Gabe looked at her miserable expression and heard the wind howl past the doorway. He pushed it shut and shrugged.

"Alright. Then it's a promotion. You're literally my number one customer, so I can make an exception." The kobold was delighted as he shared some of his dinner with her and gave her one of the spare rooms. She thanked him over and over, and even made the bed herself when she woke up. With the sun back out, she gathered up her cloak again and smiled at him.

"Very generous," she said with a little bow. She dug around inside her cloak for a moment before she produced a silver chain with a red ruby embedded in the end. The calculating part of his mind kicked right in. It was simple, but well-made. "Here. You can have."

"I thought you didn't have any money," he said, but he was simply surprised as he smirked and carefully took the pendant.

"Iss not money," she said with a shrug. Her blank expression showed it wasn't any sort of joke or trick on her part. "From my family. You can make better use for it, right?"

"No, definitely. I mean, if you're sure... then thanks." Gabe tucked it into his pocket to have it properly appraised later as he waved goodbye to his guest.

He forgot about all about the pendant as he busied himself with his work. He put out a help wanted sign for a cook and bartender, but he could fill the roles for a while. He balanced his books, sent out some mail, and put in an order for enough food to stock his kitchen. By the time he was done running around and sorting things out, he just went back to his bedroom and collapsed on the bed.

He forgot to take his clothes off. He forgot about the amulet against his chest. He certainly didn't notice when it started to throb with a red light in the middle of the night until his stomach started to itch. He did wake up when he instinctively scratched his stomach and heard a leathery scraping sound.

Gabe snapped awake and lifted up his shirt. He saw the amulet pulsing slowly, acting as plenty of light for him to see the green rash spreading across his abdomen. He fumbled for the lantern but his hand came up short, scraping along the wood of his tabletop. It concerned him enough to look at his hand and see that he was short one finger and that claws were growing on those that were left. The green rash was on either side of his hand and spreading slowly... at first.

"No! No, no, what is this?!" Gabe grabbed at the pendant and tossed it away, but the changes kept going. His chest ached and cracked as his chest broadened but he actually seemed to be growing thinner. His body stretched out until he was easily six feet tall, and he felt a tingling in his hair as it seemed to slither around on his head. He grabbed at it to feel the strands weaving together and forming a pair of backward-swept horns at the center of his flat-topped head. He was becoming a dragonborn! He had never met, but he knew about the dragonborn, a race of distant relatives to them that were burly, bipedal reptiles somewhere between kobolds and dragons, and he was starting to look and feel the part as his mouth extended into a proper muzzle.

His limbs and body grew leaner until they suddenly tensed into tough muscle, more practical and powerful than showy like a mammal would. Much of his body fat was gone for the sleek reptilian shape, but then he felt his skin beneath clothes start to ache. He hurried to remove his pants, finding the true intention of the changes. He caught the last of a shrinking sensation as his penis now was entirely gone, a leathery green vagina in its place. A tail gladly popped out of his shorts on the back end, which moves when he flexed his strangely taut buttocks. Sure enough, the last of the changes came as his thin but broad-shouldered body expanded outward, forming a pair of taut but hefty featureless breasts like a pair scaly footballs.

"Why am I a dragonborn!?" he demanded to the night. With a second thought, he went for the real question. "Why am I a LADY dragonborn!?"

He let out a deep groan, making his nostrils twitch when some plumes of smoke came out of it. He made a point to hold his breath, but that made his breasts push out more. It was especially awkward in his old shirt, since it made up for his missing girth to cover most of his breasts, but the bottom half still hung out of his top and his taller body left that much more revealed. Gabe tried to slide out of bed, but his tail slapped one of his ledgers off the table. He jumped and turned around, just to experience a sensation like his back cracking. He could see it was much more than that when a pair of wide, thin wings blasted out from his back. He carefully turned around again, looking carefully into a mirror to find that somehow his shirt was mostly intact. However they came out, they came tip first to do nothing more than tear two precise holes in the back of his shirt.

"Well... at least I won't have to pay for another shirt," he sighed.

Gabriel let himself go back to sleep in hopes that it would just wear off. Come morning, he was still a slim but somehow strong and curvy dragoness. He was already trying to think of how to ditch the amulet, but he didn't want to pass this curse onto somebody else. Besides, even if he could pawn it, there would be no problem finding him because he was the only dragonborn in the town! He spent most of the day dragging his feet and moping, but he finished the last of his personal food with breakfast. He'd have to go out sometime. He took a deep breath (making sure that it wouldn't catch anything one fire) and stepped outside.

A colossal silver dragon's head was directly in front of his front door. He nearly jumped out of his skin (he would be so lucky, given his skin), but he jumped outside and slammed the door shut behind him. "Oh gods! Please, if you have to eat me, spare the building! I worked too hard for it and I'm still paying that off!"

"VERY WELL! YOU DO WELL TO OFFER TO THE GODS, MY CHOSEN!" The dragon lifted its head, standing on its hind legs. There was no real recognizing a dragon's gender from what basic knowledge Gabe possessed, but the echoing voice came off in a bold and loud woman's tone. While the proper dragon was tall enough to look like her horns could scrape the clouds, Gabe noticed that nobody was even looking up at her.

"You... you're an illusion, aren't you?" Gabe asked hopefully. One of the toes on the hind legs suddenly flicked forward, nudging Gabe onto his tail end (he'd cut the back out to let his tail poke out from the shorts).


"Oh. Okay..." Gabe mused quietly. Even the occasional human temple was dedicated to Tiamat. The girl got around over all these centuries.


"Sorry, but... you know I'm a human, right?" Gabe spoke up hopefully as he raised a clawed hand. "I just got this last night, and I was always kind of more of a worshiper of Murn growing up before I fell out..."

"YOUR FATE IS CHOSEN!" Tiamat boomed as she dropped back to all fours to stare into his face with one huge golden eye. A few of the townsfolk actually bounced from the impact, but shook their heads and walked off muttering about "damned earthquakes." "WHEN FEAR AND VIOLENCE STRIKES THIS PLACE, YOU WILL DEFEND IT! WITH MY WINGS, MY FIRE, AND MY STRENGTH, YOU WILL BE THIS LAND'S MATRON! ITS BORDERS YOUR NEST, ITS PEOPLE YOUR EGGS! IT IS WHY I GAVE YOU THE FORM OF SUCH A MOTHERLY DRAGONKIN, AFTER ALL! SO SAY THE GREAT TIAMAT!"

Gabe was in no position to argue, but he could disagree. Even that was hard to manage in the face of a dragon goddess. "So... when exactly does fear and evil strike?"

"FEAR AND VIOLENCE!" Tiamat corrected in a rather casual tone despite her volume. She paused for a moment as if thinking. "JUST OVER A WEEK!"

"That's it?!" That felt like an absurdly short amount of time to learn his new body, yet a comically short time to give such an ominous prophecy.

"I THINK THAT'S AMPLE TIME TO HARNESS THE POWERS OF TIAMAT! YOU'RE WELCOME!" she boomed in what might have been a little god sarcasm (if it was, they weren't good at it). A few wisps of gold-colored fire puffed between her fangs, and while Gabe flinched back from them, they breezed over his scales without so much as a singe. "ARE WE IN ACCORD, MORTAL?!"

"I mean... if I HAVE to do this..." Gabe started. The giant head nodded slowly. "I guess so. But if I'm getting all lifedebt here, I want it to be clear: I'm Gabe."

"SEE?! GABRIEL IS A PERFECTLY HOLY-SOUNDING NAME!" Tiamat looked vaguely pleased as she rose again and spread her diamond-laced wings to leave. "I SHALL COME AND FIND YOUR PROGRESS SOON, MY CHOSEN GABRIEL!"

She soared off without so much as beating her wings, vanishing from sight before she should have. Gabe blinked and shook his head to regroup before noticing a few people staring at him. He waved a clawed hand meekly at them, which made one of the teenage boys blush. Gabe glanced down and realized that maybe a new shirt really would be in order... and a bra.

Gabe quickly made his way through town, buying some more supplies and hurrying back to his inn. He shivered when he finally got behind closed doors clutching his bundle of food to his breasts. There was a tingling there that made him sure that if he had nipples, they would have been erect. "Motherly dragonkin," he grumbled, recalling Tiamat's words. He rubbed a clawed hand over his shorts, but at this point they'd been reduced to more of a loincloth thanks to his tail moving around. "Doesn't mean you had to put me in a body that's in the middle of fucking heat..."

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