Friday, April 20, 2018

Dragonling Transformation (commission)

Part of a new series of a fantasy world's inn manager who turns into a horny dragon girl. It was fun writing a capslock, kind of dense dragon goddess in Tiamat...

Gabe was looking forward to his future. He was a young man with a good head on his shoulders, a helpful attitude, and an eye for money. He was never greedy or stingy, but he always knew how to save his gold and what was a good price per pound. He just had a thing with numbers. Armed with that, some careful loans, and some encouragement from friends and family, he found himself at Hillside looking at his simple building that would become his inn.

He didn't know all the details, but the short of it was that Hillside was a pioneer town at the outskirts of the human territories. It had promise of growing, but now it was barely over a hundred people with far fewer buildings. There was talk of being a place to rest for adventurers and local patrols, and that meant they'd need a place to stay. Gabriel had made sure to mention this in all of his pitches when gathering funds for the place, and he had redone the math plenty of times. He'd have the place paid off in a year and then it was nothing but profits.

He finally set foot inside the finished building with its wide bottom floor and the smooth, fresh steps leading up to the rooms. He'd had one modest one at the end of the hall as his own private room, leaving the bigger ones for his guests rather than spoil himself. He was taking final inventory when there came the little knock at the front door. Knowing that the only people that would be here had their own houses (or at least some wagons or tents until they finished their cabins), he came back out of his stockroom to open it.

There was a kobold there in a ragged hood of old cloth wrapped around it. Her head barely reached his thighs if you counted the horns, and some dull red coloration to her scaly skin. Gabe was puzzled, but not concerned. Kobolds were a fairly harmless race for their size and talents for mining, and they made common trading partners with humans. Their talents for mining was one thing, but their native reptilian language meant they could even establish trades with dragons if they were around.

"May I have a warm place tonight?" Gabe got the impression that English came as a second language to her. Her high and gravelly voice sounded a bit clipped and atonal, as if she had learned it from a book or secondhand.

Gabe didn't have much for a staff or food, but the place was naturally sturdy enough to stay in. "Yea, come in in. You're my first guest here," he said with a small chuckle. "It could still use some paint here and there, but it's a start, right?"

The kobold stepped in gingerly and nodded. "I don't have any for money," she said with apprehension clear on her voice. Gabe looked at her miserable expression and heard the wind howl past the doorway. He pushed it shut and shrugged.

"Alright. Then it's a promotion. You're literally my number one customer, so I can make an exception." The kobold was delighted as he shared some of his dinner with her and gave her one of the spare rooms. She thanked him over and over, and even made the bed herself when she woke up. With the sun back out, she gathered up her cloak again and smiled at him.

"Very generous," she said with a little bow. She dug around inside her cloak for a moment before she produced a silver chain with a red ruby embedded in the end. The calculating part of his mind kicked right in. It was simple, but well-made. "Here. You can have."

"I thought you didn't have any money," he said, but he was simply surprised as he smirked and carefully took the pendant.

"Iss not money," she said with a shrug. Her blank expression showed it wasn't any sort of joke or trick on her part. "From my family. You can make better use for it, right?"

"No, definitely. I mean, if you're sure... then thanks." Gabe tucked it into his pocket to have it properly appraised later as he waved goodbye to his guest.

He forgot about all about the pendant as he busied himself with his work. He put out a help wanted sign for a cook and bartender, but he could fill the roles for a while. He balanced his books, sent out some mail, and put in an order for enough food to stock his kitchen. By the time he was done running around and sorting things out, he just went back to his bedroom and collapsed on the bed.

He forgot to take his clothes off. He forgot about the amulet against his chest. He certainly didn't notice when it started to throb with a red light in the middle of the night until his stomach started to itch. He did wake up when he instinctively scratched his stomach and heard a leathery scraping sound.

Gabe snapped awake and lifted up his shirt. He saw the amulet pulsing slowly, acting as plenty of light for him to see the green rash spreading across his abdomen. He fumbled for the lantern but his hand came up short, scraping along the wood of his tabletop. It concerned him enough to look at his hand and see that he was short one finger and that claws were growing on those that were left. The green rash was on either side of his hand and spreading slowly... at first.

"No! No, no, what is this?!" Gabe grabbed at the pendant and tossed it away, but the changes kept going. His chest ached and cracked as his chest broadened but he actually seemed to be growing thinner. His body stretched out until he was easily six feet tall, and he felt a tingling in his hair as it seemed to slither around on his head. He grabbed at it to feel the strands weaving together and forming a pair of backward-swept horns at the center of his flat-topped head. He was becoming a dragonborn! He had never met, but he knew about the dragonborn, a race of distant relatives to them that were burly, bipedal reptiles somewhere between kobolds and dragons, and he was starting to look and feel the part as his mouth extended into a proper muzzle.

His limbs and body grew leaner until they suddenly tensed into tough muscle, more practical and powerful than showy like a mammal would. Much of his body fat was gone for the sleek reptilian shape, but then he felt his skin beneath clothes start to ache. He hurried to remove his pants, finding the true intention of the changes. He caught the last of a shrinking sensation as his penis now was entirely gone, a leathery green vagina in its place. A tail gladly popped out of his shorts on the back end, which moves when he flexed his strangely taut buttocks. Sure enough, the last of the changes came as his thin but broad-shouldered body expanded outward, forming a pair of taut but hefty featureless breasts like a pair scaly footballs.

"Why am I a dragonborn!?" he demanded to the night. With a second thought, he went for the real question. "Why am I a LADY dragonborn!?"

He let out a deep groan, making his nostrils twitch when some plumes of smoke came out of it. He made a point to hold his breath, but that made his breasts push out more. It was especially awkward in his old shirt, since it made up for his missing girth to cover most of his breasts, but the bottom half still hung out of his top and his taller body left that much more revealed. Gabe tried to slide out of bed, but his tail slapped one of his ledgers off the table. He jumped and turned around, just to experience a sensation like his back cracking. He could see it was much more than that when a pair of wide, thin wings blasted out from his back. He carefully turned around again, looking carefully into a mirror to find that somehow his shirt was mostly intact. However they came out, they came tip first to do nothing more than tear two precise holes in the back of his shirt.

"Well... at least I won't have to pay for another shirt," he sighed.

Gabriel let himself go back to sleep in hopes that it would just wear off. Come morning, he was still a slim but somehow strong and curvy dragoness. He was already trying to think of how to ditch the amulet, but he didn't want to pass this curse onto somebody else. Besides, even if he could pawn it, there would be no problem finding him because he was the only dragonborn in the town! He spent most of the day dragging his feet and moping, but he finished the last of his personal food with breakfast. He'd have to go out sometime. He took a deep breath (making sure that it wouldn't catch anything one fire) and stepped outside.

A colossal silver dragon's head was directly in front of his front door. He nearly jumped out of his skin (he would be so lucky, given his skin), but he jumped outside and slammed the door shut behind him. "Oh gods! Please, if you have to eat me, spare the building! I worked too hard for it and I'm still paying that off!"

"VERY WELL! YOU DO WELL TO OFFER TO THE GODS, MY CHOSEN!" The dragon lifted its head, standing on its hind legs. There was no real recognizing a dragon's gender from what basic knowledge Gabe possessed, but the echoing voice came off in a bold and loud woman's tone. While the proper dragon was tall enough to look like her horns could scrape the clouds, Gabe noticed that nobody was even looking up at her.

"You... you're an illusion, aren't you?" Gabe asked hopefully. One of the toes on the hind legs suddenly flicked forward, nudging Gabe onto his tail end (he'd cut the back out to let his tail poke out from the shorts).


"Oh. Okay..." Gabe mused quietly. Even the occasional human temple was dedicated to Tiamat. The girl got around over all these centuries.


"Sorry, but... you know I'm a human, right?" Gabe spoke up hopefully as he raised a clawed hand. "I just got this last night, and I was always kind of more of a worshiper of Murn growing up before I fell out..."

"YOUR FATE IS CHOSEN!" Tiamat boomed as she dropped back to all fours to stare into his face with one huge golden eye. A few of the townsfolk actually bounced from the impact, but shook their heads and walked off muttering about "damned earthquakes." "WHEN FEAR AND VIOLENCE STRIKES THIS PLACE, YOU WILL DEFEND IT! WITH MY WINGS, MY FIRE, AND MY STRENGTH, YOU WILL BE THIS LAND'S MATRON! ITS BORDERS YOUR NEST, ITS PEOPLE YOUR EGGS! IT IS WHY I GAVE YOU THE FORM OF SUCH A MOTHERLY DRAGONKIN, AFTER ALL! SO SAY THE GREAT TIAMAT!"

Gabe was in no position to argue, but he could disagree. Even that was hard to manage in the face of a dragon goddess. "So... when exactly does fear and evil strike?"

"FEAR AND VIOLENCE!" Tiamat corrected in a rather casual tone despite her volume. She paused for a moment as if thinking. "JUST OVER A WEEK!"

"That's it?!" That felt like an absurdly short amount of time to learn his new body, yet a comically short time to give such an ominous prophecy.

"I THINK THAT'S AMPLE TIME TO HARNESS THE POWERS OF TIAMAT! YOU'RE WELCOME!" she boomed in what might have been a little god sarcasm (if it was, they weren't good at it). A few wisps of gold-colored fire puffed between her fangs, and while Gabe flinched back from them, they breezed over his scales without so much as a singe. "ARE WE IN ACCORD, MORTAL?!"

"I mean... if I HAVE to do this..." Gabe started. The giant head nodded slowly. "I guess so. But if I'm getting all lifedebt here, I want it to be clear: I'm Gabe."

"SEE?! GABRIEL IS A PERFECTLY HOLY-SOUNDING NAME!" Tiamat looked vaguely pleased as she rose again and spread her diamond-laced wings to leave. "I SHALL COME AND FIND YOUR PROGRESS SOON, MY CHOSEN GABRIEL!"

She soared off without so much as beating her wings, vanishing from sight before she should have. Gabe blinked and shook his head to regroup before noticing a few people staring at him. He waved a clawed hand meekly at them, which made one of the teenage boys blush. Gabe glanced down and realized that maybe a new shirt really would be in order... and a bra.

Gabe quickly made his way through town, buying some more supplies and hurrying back to his inn. He shivered when he finally got behind closed doors clutching his bundle of food to his breasts. There was a tingling there that made him sure that if he had nipples, they would have been erect. "Motherly dragonkin," he grumbled, recalling Tiamat's words. He rubbed a clawed hand over his shorts, but at this point they'd been reduced to more of a loincloth thanks to his tail moving around. "Doesn't mean you had to put me in a body that's in the middle of fucking heat..."

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Gob For Teacher

A recent commission for two goblin students deciding to drug their teacher to subject him to some unwilling sex and cock worship.

Villetta and Pixxy had it bad for their teacher Mr. Benjamin Parks. For a science teacher, he didn't look the part as a tall, fit and handsome black man. Even in their school of orcs and elves, the two goblins (Villetta Blackspark was half-demon, but it was a progressive world like that) knew what they wanted.

"I heard that he spilled coffee on his lap once," Pixxy confided over the lunch table. "Jenni, that blonde naga, said that you could see perfectly that he was huuuuge." Like all the females of her kind, Pixxy was short, green and curvy. She had long pointed ears that reached well beyond her fluffy dark hair, but she still tried to stand out with her gothy skull t-shirt and earrings. Blue makeup lined her eyes and lips for that little extra flare.

"I know!" Villetta sighed as she drank down some of her soda. "You've GOT to dream about sucking on a piece of human like that. Plus he's one of those dark ones, which is always super hot." She was green and stout like Pixxy, but with her black hair abruptly turning into a purple ponytail. She wore a skimpy leather skirt and top to go with her fishnet stockings. Her infernal heritage showed itself in her forked tail (which she’d taken the liberty to pierce in case that wasn’t edgy enough for anyone) and her two yellow horns on her head, one of which had been chipped off near the tip.

"Plus he's married," Pixxy added. He always had pictures of his family around on his desk. "So he's already got that forbidden angle. But he's got one of those human marriages. Like a good one. Where they say 'I love you' and stuff, even when they didn't just have sex. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Villetta asked the question as if she was dismissing the thought rather than pressing for the reason. "If he couldn't stop you, would that silly human logic of 'no means no' really stop you? And you know that prude wife of his doesn’t keep him satisfied like a goblin girl would."

Pixxy thought on it, but not for long. Ever since she set eyes on the tall and handsome human she'd had wet dreams about pleasing and fucking him. It only got worse once that rumor about his being hung like a bear started going. "Why? You thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Way ahead of you, Pix." Villetta reached into her bag and slapped down a piece of paper with a few notes scrawled across it. "Can you get these the next time you're in the science lab? I've got Magic and Alchemy tomorrow morning. I should be able to get a few potions together and then by the afternoon, we can go and show Mr. Parks our little extra credit projects."

"Hi, Mister Parks!" Pixxy popped her head into the room, smiling brightly at her obsessive crush. "How's it going?"

"Ah, Pixxy. Good to see you." The short-haired and clean-cut teacher smiled up at her. He was the sort to try to be friendly  "Just grading some papers. You know I was impressed by your test scores last week. I'm glad to see you're showing an interest in the field."

"Yea, well... goblins just have a natural thing for chemistry." Pixxy walked further in and laughed a little louder than usual. It helped to hide Villetta's footsteps as her invisible form slipped in and got near his desk. Pixxy couldn't see her, but she knew the plan. She was going to play distraction. "So uh... how's the family?" She kept up her small talk while Villetta quietly popped her potion and started to discreetly pour it into Mr. Parks' half-emptied coffee mug. The teacher stood up and walked towards Pixxy, forcing Villetta to flatten her tits against his desk to avoid being discovered when he tripped over her.

"So what can I help you with, Pixxy?"

"Uh... science."


"Yes. I need more science in my life, Mr. Parks."

The teacher shook his head, but smiled in amusement. "Well I'll tell you what. I've got to get these papers graded, but I'll bring up any bits of trivia I think are interesting. I've got a pretty low bar for interesting, though."

"I think it'll be REAL interesting before long," Pixxy muttered. Ben went back to his desk and took another drink. He pursed his lips at the change in taste, but he ignored it and went on working and drinking. After a few sips, Villetta went back to his office's door and shoved it shut, flipping the lock as her invisibility potion wore off.

"Something wrong, girls?" Ben asked, furrowing his brow. He must have not noticed Villetta walking in just now, but the locking seemed unnecessary.

"Not at all, Mr. Parks," the half-goblin purred as she approached him with a wiggle to her plump little hips. "In fact, you are looking better than ever."

Ben Parks certainly lived up to the rumors. He was plenty hung and already hard thanks to Villetta's spiking his coffee with the potion. The girls broke into even wider smiles as they witnessed his package and smelled the tempting musk he'd built up from a day's work. It beckoned to goblins like catnip by drawing out their naturally slutty nature, and Villetta couldn't help but plant a kiss just below his cock's warm and bulging head.

Ben shuddered and groaned. He leaned back into his chair to relax and enjoy the sensation, but he shook his head. The potion was quickly draining any means he had to struggling or resisting, no matter what he was truly thinking. "Girls, stop it," he muttered weakly. They ignored his pleas as Pixxy wrapped her mouth around the tip of his cock, giving a quick, wet suck that made him grunt hard. Willing or not, he couldn't deny how good it felt to have the short green beauties teasing his member.

As usual, Ben Parks had stayed after school to work in his office. While Ben himself found it a strange choice of words, his body reacted quickly to the chemicals. The aphrodisiac got his groin stirring at the slightest hints of flirting. The lust charms made his mind slow down at the incoming fog and his heart rate pick up. The goblin girls cackled as they scampered around to either side of the desk and both sets of black-nailed hands got to working together to undo his belt.

"Don't worry, Mr. Parks," Pixxy cooed. "We're not gonna hurt ya. We're gonna make you feel soooo good."

"Girls, no," Parks warned in a slightly slurred voice, but he made no move to stop them. He actually placed a hand on Villetta's head, but he could only find the strength to stroke her hair rather than push her away. "Please. Stop this... you're my students."

"And we've learned a lot from you," Villetta purred as she started to force down his pants and underwear. Ben found his hips lifting by themselves to help them along. "Like how much you need this. We just want to say thank you!"

Willing or not, Ben certainly lived up to the rumors. The potions had left him hard despite his protests, and he was just as hung as everyone had said. With his cock and balls exposed to the open air, his work day's worth of sweat and musk hit the goblins' noses like catnip. Villetta planted a kiss on the base of the thick, round head of Mister Parks' dick, getting a moan from the reluctant teacher as her dark lips brushed against its veins. Pixxy giggled at his reaction, opening her mouth wide and daintily running her tongue along his tip. Ben gripped the arms of his chair tightly as his breathing picked up, the potion driving his libido wild despite his trying to think of his wife rather than the lipstick marks on his huge, dark dick.

"You're such a dirty boy, Mister Parks," Pixxy cooed, her breath running cool across the wet tip of his shaft.

"I'm really not!" Ben insisted wearily. "I love my wife. Let me go... MMMF!" He grunted heavily as Villetta pressed her face into his package, kissing and licking at his sack while she sniffed the base of his cock with a bestial curiously.

"We'll let you go," Pixxy assured him as she pulled herself closer to him. “Once we’re finished playing.” She gently ran her painted fingertips over his upper shaft while Villetta worked on its lower half. With his impressive length, he was more than enough for the shortstack sluts to share. Their wet sucking and slurping noises accompanied Benjamin's lusting pleas for them to stop.

"You girls... ungh... you can't do this. Please. You're going to get us in a lot of trouble."

"The door's locked, and we won't tell. The only one who can do that is you, Mr. Parks," Pixxy said as she went to her knees by Villette. "And you wouldn't want your wife getting mad, now would you?"

Ben was trying to focus on resisting their advances (which the potion easily overpowered, but they could see him realizing this as well. Threats like that wouldn't get him anywhere. "Just sit back and enjoy it," Villetta said again. She clutched as much of his cock as she could in one of her little hands, holding it up so that she and Pixxy could each take one of his swelling balls into their mouths. They hummed and cooed softly, sending maddening vibrations up through his sack as Ben let out another raspy cry.

Ohhhh my god. Fuck… fuck, get off! Please! What are you doing?!” Ben pleaded helplessly as his mind and body started to go numb. He stared at the girls with watery eyes as they started to kiss around his shaft, keeping as much of his warm testicles as they could in their mouths. Pixxy’s drool ran down his sack and send fresh uninvited pleasure through him as he dug his fingers into the arms of his chair. “Stop… I can’t hold… dammit!” Ben rambled witlessly. The potion hadn’t just made him horny and paralyzed. There was something else going on. His dick was erect and yet it was growing longer still. His balls in particular felt heavy and… powerful. It felt like the girls were worshipping them to wake up something inside that was more than just his cum. The way they smiled and giggled around his nuts just added to the imagery.

He finally erupted with a husky grunt. The girls’ sucking combined with their lightly stroking hands were too much for him to resist. He hated himself for being forced to betray his wife, even as his cum shot out onto his lap and stomach. The girls went absolutely wild for it, gasping and laughing as they leaned over his legs. Their breasts rested on his thighs and rubbed against his shaft, staining their skin and clothes as they greedily wiped and sucked up every drop of cum they could.

Oh my god, it’s so good!” Pixxy blurted. Her eyes and smile were so wide that it was like Mister Parks’ cum was a drug to her. She scooped up a big handful before licking every crevice between her fingers.

"You're too good to us, Mister Parks!" Villetta cooed as she straddled his leg. She didn't bother using her hands as she ran her tongue along his abs to suck the sweat and cum right off of his skin.

"Stop... this has to stop," Ben pleaded miserably. His face was twisted in displeasure despite what his body and penis told him. It was already more kinky than anything he'd done with his wife, but it wasn't what he wanted. The girls went on drinking him up and happily ignoring his moaned objections. They didn't seem done with him, despite the fact that he had already cum... but somehow he stayed up.

"Wait... what did you do?!" Ben asked in disbelief. Not only was his cock still rock hard, but it felt even more sensitive. More engorged. More... hungry.

"Just a dose of vitality potion with some extra minotaur hormones," Villetta explained. She sat up with his cum sticking out boldly on her black top and green skin, licking what she could off her lips. "You won't be going soft on us anytime soon."

"I want some more!" Pixxy declared as she climbed onto Ben's lap. The short goblin slut was busty and small enough that when she leaned over his shaft, her breasts and mouth both pressed against the raging erection. The cum from his wet cock's head rubbed over her black shirt as the slutty goblin goth ran her hard, painted nails over his chest.

Ben was confused by what was going on, failing to notice Villetta climbing on top of his desk. She casually put the picture of Mr. Parks' family face down to avoid distracting him before she spun his chair around. She pushed the top of the reclining seat backward, making him face the ceiling and the grinning Villetta as she loomed over him. "Don't worry about it. We know what you really want. You don't even have to think at all."

"Yea, because we're going to suck your brains out through your balls," Pixxy purred as she grasped his shaft with both hands and still barely reached all the way around. She started to lick at the tip, cleaning up any lingering cum while Villetta slid her top off over her head.

"You girls... you're crazy. You can't do this. Please let me go," Ben panted. It was a strange sensation to be getting this hard and aroused so shortly after cumming, especially to anyone besides his wife. It was making his head spin, which just made the feelings that much more intense.

"Shhhh. Easy, tiger," Villetta urged gently. "That's those big dum bull hormones talking. We know what you need more than you do at this point." The horned demi-goblin tossed her top aside and leaned over him, letting her oversized breasts mash into his face. He could still breathe under that green eclipse, but the air was warm and smelled of the goth's sweaty green skin. He kept protesting, but only the occasional word or two escaped as she rubbed her breasts over his face.

Pixxy was having the time of life going after Ben's cock like a fleshy popsicle. Her tongue left the shaft and head dripping with saliva, creating a tingling sensation all the way down while she tended to the top. Her small but strong fingers stroked her spit over him like a lotion, loving how the moisture brought out the smell of his loins.

"Villetta, can you smell that? Fuck, do I love horny human stink..." Pixxy broke into a huge smile as she started sniffing over his cock, drinking in the powerful masculine smell of his groin and fresh cum. It was always a strange hormonal relationship between humans, as goblins were known to get downright addicted to the right sort of human cum.

"Sure can, Pix. No escaping the smell of an verile alpha male like that!" Villetta laughed. It made her breasts jiggle against their teacher's face, letting a few of his deeper moans escape her cleavage. He was drooling at this point as his breathing became more heavy and his teased shaft tensed to release another burst.

Pixxy kept on kissing and sniffing at his package while her hands started to cradle his balls. Her face rubbed against the rod while each hand held up one of his heavy testes. She loved feeling their heat and weight, so full of that cum that had already gotten her hooked. "Mmmm, they must feel so heavy," Pixxy purred, lightly bouncing them in her hands and giving them a squeeze. She loved how firm and full they felt, though she wondered how much of that was potion and how much just from his naturally huge package.

Pixxy didn't care in the end as his cock shot off again, squirting into the air so that it stuck to her tits, face and hair. She laughed merrily as she rubbed her hand over her skin, licking the creamy mess clean from her fingers. She shivered hard enough that she had to squeeze her thighs around her teacher's leg to keep herself straddling him, which only pressed the wet crotch of her panties tighter against Ben's thigh.

Villetta finally lifted her breasts off of Ben's face. The teacher coughed as the fresh air mixed with the taste and smell of her sweaty flesh. The flavors of the gothic goblin still didn't go away.

"Oh my god," Ben panted. It was disorienting to feel like he should be exhausted but still remain alert and ready. It was as if his cock hand commandeered his brain and refused to let him act on his own accord. "Please. I won't tell anyone. You have to let me go. Leave me alone. You got what you wanted..."

"What we want..." Villetta cooed patiently as she laid on her stomach. She planted her elbows on the edge of the desk, leaning forward just enough to let her lap at the tip of the teacher's lengthy cock. "Is to make you into a new man, Mr. Parks. To make you into a REAL man. The one you deserve to be." The demi-goblin's devilish half definitely shone through as she tormented the trapped teacher with her seductive and smokey voice.

"We know your wife's not exactly giving that pussy away," Pixxy added. "So we want to help give that dick the lovin' it needs to grow up big and strong!" She stroked the shaft as she wrapped her thighs around it, rolling the stubby legs around it. “Soooo big!” Pixxy was already drooling as she couldn't help but wrap her lips around her teacher's rod.

"Damn, Benny! You must taste good to have her hooked already!" Villetta giggled as she wiggled out of her skirt and panties with one eager motion, returning to the floor and climbing up next to Pixxy on Ben's lap.

She smiled mischievously up at him as she helped strip down Pixxy as well, leaving them both naked in his lap as Ben grunted and tried to escape. When that failed, his body still refusing to resist their advances, he could only try to beg them.

"Stop it... girls, this is rape! You can't... oh holy shit!" His eyes rolled back while his balls and cock pulsed with pleasure. Both girls had decided they wanted another taste and had begun rubbing their lips and tongues on both sides of his cockhead. They watched his helpless squirming with delight, even when they both reached his dick's head at the same time and began to sloppily make out with each other. Ben bit his lip in a desperate effort to distract himself, but he couldn't take his eyes off of their sleazy display.

Seeing they had him ready for another of his creamy outbursts, they started to put on even more of a show. Villetta grabbed Pixxy by her breasts, squeezing and stroking them as she pulled them around Ben's cock. Pixxy caught onto her game and returned the favor, hefting up the half-demon's tits and resting them on top of hers. Their combined cleavage swallowed up most of Ben's shaft, wrapping it in warm green flesh while they sucked noisily at the top. Their spittle ran down like little rivers along his throbbing veins. The sexual display from the little ladies forced the cum out of their teacher once again as Ben let out a loud and husky cry.
There would be no one around the school to hear him this late, but the goblins didn't seem concerned by that. They were far too delighted to care thanks to the offering of fresh cum spraying thick and plentiful out of the worshipped cock. Their expressions lit up as the semen stuck to their lips, eyes and smiles both open wide as the creamy substance ran down their faces. The girls each kept one hand grasping and stroking his cock, already priming him for more as they leaned over Ben's shaft to start greedily licking the semen from their fellow goblin girl's face in a mockery of a kiss.

"Please... stop... I need to go see my wife. This HAS to stop," Ben begged them once more. No matter how much his body flooded him with pleasure, he knew he was a good and loyal man. He didn't want any of this, regardless what his cursed cock would have him think.

"What? But we're having sooooo much fun!" Pixxy giggled, but she swayed a bit on her perch on Ben's lap. She snorted and wiped her face, just to lick the mess of cum from her fingers. The girls were having their own sexual high, as even without being touched or penetrated by their human lover, they were drunk off of his cum.

"Maybe he's right, Pix," Villetta proposed. "Maybe we should show him that we’re ready for the real deal. I bet he’s never even tried goblin puss…”

Goblin… puss?” Ben asked warily.

Oh, you’ll love it! I hear we're a lot tighter and stretchier than human ladies!" Pixxy assured him. With the wolfish little grins on the girls' faces, Ben had no reason to doubt that they were willing to follow through on their threat.

"I get first!" Villetta declared as she scampered up higher. "It was my idea!"

"Ahh, no fair," Pixxy groaned. She still hopped off and sat her curvy bottom down on the professor's desk, kissing his face and stroking his chest while Villetta got herself situated. The horned goblin rested her hands on his firm upper body as she wiggled her hips, tracing her pussy along the end of his cock. Ben shuddered in his chair, his dick only getting harder and more sensitive as things went on. He tried for one last appeal to their decency.

"Girls, no! This isn't right and you know it! We shouldn't do this!"

"I don't know about you," Villetta said with another toothy smile. "But it sure does FEEL right!" She thrust her hips straight down, impaling herself on the monster shaft. She let out a huge gasp that made it look like she had hurt herself, but her shocked expression slid quickly into one of absolute delight. Her mouth hung open, giggling with idiotic glee until she started to drool over her big green tits. She hadn't even gotten half of his cock inside of her before it completely filled her and still he started to bounce up and down on it.

Her teacher was grunting and groaning, unable to contain the maddening pleasure that was flooding his brain through his groin. "I told you he loves it!" Pixxy laughed as she took his chin, turning him to kiss him fully on the mouth. He shuddered as her painted lips and thick little tongue tasted of sweat and cum from her last agonizing hour of worshipping his growing dick. He couldn't even shake his head or object as her mouth kept his busy.

Villetta was still bouncing up and down using her toes braced against Ben's thighs. Her saliva was still dribbling everywhere as her hefty tits jiggled with the rest of her. Even as she forced her pussy to stretch and take more of him, she was almost completely suspended by his dick. She bit her lip as she watched him squirm, a sexual prisoner to their horny goblin desires. It was her turn to be speechless as the cock she'd craved filled her to the brim and then some. Her long, low moans were abruptly cut off by a shrill shriek as she scratched her nails down his chest. Her already tight pussy clenched hard enough to send a jolt of pain through Ben's overly sensitive cock, followed by sense of heat and moisture pouring out of her. Villetta had orgasmed, but one could hardly tell from the outside beyond her violent shuddering. He had fucked her so completely full that there was no room for it to get out, like a cork in a bottle.

"Oooh, that was a big one!" Villetta purred, eyes rolling as she licked the drool from her lips. "You really know how to treat a girl like a fuckslut, Mr. P."

"Okay, now it's my turn!" Pixxy insisted, breaking her lips away from Ben as she scooted closer to his lap. The black teacher moaned miserably, shaking like he was barely able to breathe.

"Just a second. He's getting close. I can feel it," Villetta hissed, starting to grind on him again. Ben was so insanely sensitive he could feel her clit grinding over the tip of his penis. Her pussy was full of her thick, greasy cum that acted as even further lubricant on top of all the spit and jizz he'd accumulated before. Villetta had no problem milking another massive orgasm out of him, overflowing her tight green cunt as a mix of his and her cum poured out from the few thin openings at the edge of her lips. She finally slid herself off of his rod, letting a gushing flood of juices pour out onto his lap as she shuddered. Ben was amazed as just how much cum was in there, having never had a load that big.

"By the dark gods, he fucked me so hard I can taste it!" Villetta purred.

"I hope you left some for me!" Pixxy insisted, scampering onto his lap as Villetta swapped places with her.

"Oh, don't you worry, Pix." Even as she addressed her partner in crime, Villetta met Ben's eyes with a knowing glance. "That dick isn't going anywhere. A dose like that should leave him nice and big for a very, very long time."

"What?!" Ben almost managed to sit up in his surprise, but he the weakening potion quickly forced him back into his compliant position. He fumbled and laid back as Pixxy helped herself to his shaft, grinding against it like a miniature stripper pole before she finally fit it inside her (or rather, fit herself on top of it). Pixxy's eyes fluttered as she found her rhythm, pumping him in and out of her rather than leaving him entirely inside like Villetta had. She kept a hand on the desk to steady herself as she kept Ben slamming deep inside of her before sliding him back out with a thick sucking sound.

"Yesss! Wow, it's like he's fucking my brain!" Pixxy raved, her eyes growing wide while her pupils dilated. Both of the girls giggled and purred with delight (whenever Pixxy wasn't giving labored grunts from Ben's intensely deep penetration). Pixxy had her own shuddering squirt before she went on riding him for another.

"Doesn't it feel nice, Benny?" Villetta cooed into his ear. "Now you can be what you always wanted to be."

"No... stop... stop all of this," Ben muttered wearily. His erection was going strong but his mind was weakening. His dick was stronger than his willpower by now as the girls kept encouraging the change. They kept giving it more reasons to grow and stay hard.

"You know you wanted this," Villetta went on, stroking his cheek affectionately. "It's what every male wants: to be a brainless, horny bull who can please any woman and get some nice, warm pussy whenever he wants. To feel nothing but the heat of lust and pleasure..."

"What is... ah! What is wrong with you girls?! This has to stop!"

The goblins giggled with a drunken quiver to their voices, high on the smell and taste and feel of his empowered human semen. "You want it to stop? Give her one more. Do what you're born to do, you fuck monster. Use that giant gift of yours and fuck my friend shitless."

Ben tried to move, but he found that only his hips would budge. Pixxy gave a shrill squeak of delight as his rod started to move inside her, pumping her that much deeper and harder. The giggling goblin bounced up and down on his dick like a pogo stick as her breasts and head bobbed with each slamming thrust. Ben's cock took over as he plowed her senseless, a third heavy squirt of her pussy making him unable to bear it any longer. His heavy balls tensed and fired another load inside his student, leaving Pixxy absolutely screaming with pleasure. Her bouncing continued as the semen spurt out of her slit like a broken faucet, splashing the both of them in uncontrolled bursts of white.

Villetta couldn't help but lean off the desk and slurp up more of his precious seed off his dark skin. Pixxy hung suspended on his shaft for a moment, gasping for air and smiling like an idiot for a while. She finally slid herself off with a thick, wet noise and started to join Villetta in drinking every drop of the spilled cum from Ben's body.

"Wasn't that great?" Villetta asked, smiling and licking the cum from her lips. Ben was still flopped back into his chair, his erection standing straight up and throbbing as some tears came from his eyes.

"Aww, don't feel bad. We'll come and help out that big ol' cock of yours any time you want!" Pixxy assured him. She stood up on his lap to kiss his cheek before she hopped off and started to gather her clothes.

Villetta winked at her teacher as she slid off of him, grinding her pussy on his strong thigh for good measure. "Tell your wife we said hi. I'm sure she'll like the great big present we got for her!" The goblins redressed and opened up the door. Villetta spoke a quick magic word, breaking the potion's effect to let Ben move again. It left him alone, violated, and forever changed by the cursed cock they'd left for him.

Friday, April 13, 2018

Alien Minds Part 3: Alien Memories

I just want to say that Bubba's Bounty Huntin' Bonanza may be my favorite thing to come out of this storyline.
Korien proved to be an excellent mate for Troy. He was attentive and stayed nearby like his faithful harem ruex, always ready to tend to the queen's needs. There must have been something with the queen's hormones because Troy found himself loving this lifestyle. That sense of tight, faintly squirming life inside his translucent guts had his senses pleasantly dulled, some combination of a painkillers and sedatives as best he could tell. He felt happier than he'd been since he made the change, and whether it was his smile or the fact that he was loaded with eggs, his people seemed more pleased to see him lately. They were usually dutiful and bowing when he went past, but they were beaming and talking about how beautiful he looked in this state.

The sense had started to fade after a couple days, but he knew how to fix that. Korien, like all the ruex, had no real notion of sex for pleasure, so that meant making more eggs. Troy ate plenty of his royal jelly to leave himself bloating and popping out a few more of the orbs, mixing in with their multicolored kin. Korien would then pierce his way back into Troy's egg sac, giving him that strange sensation of pressure before the numbness kicked in and he felt Korien's genitals worm its appendages inside him. He would still seize Troy by the horns even after he had stopped resisting. Troy wondered if it took a lot of leverage or if it was simply some barbaric instinct of theirs, but he was starting to enjoy the grip on his thin but solid spikes like he was some kind of living, fertile bicycle.

Time got a little hazy for Troy in his hormonally high state. He was too busy enjoying his life when Vank came in a couple weeks later, pushing along a shallow, empty pool some ten feet wide. "What's that for?" Troy asked, lounging in his giant bed with several servants grooming his antennae and leg joints for him.

"You're gonna want this when you start leaking," Vank said as he started removing the hover pods and started fastening it to the floor. "Clean dry surface. Easiest to stick something on to."

Troy's antennae raised and it looked like the room lit up a bit. "You think I'll finally start laying them?" he asked dreamily, rubbing a lower arm along his tightly packed stomach with the gently wiggling orbs inside.

"Pretty soon," Vank confirmed without slowing his work. "Your thorax is gonna leak like a rain cloud and you'll transfer the gooey little guys from that mess into another mess. They'll eat their way out and you'll be the one left feeding them 'til they can grow their own shells and hobble around for themselves."

"Why me? Don't I have servants for that?" Troy asked, even if he found himself looking forward to the idea. It must be so fulfilling to have his abundance of eggs form into more loving servants to his hive.

"Because ruex are cannibals by necessity, and nothing's quite as vulnerable or contributing less to the hive than a baby ruex. Their brains don't always put two and two together, but we had an incident about a hundred years ago with Queen Ombletch when one of her little ones scampered off. The sterile females will help do some basic grooming, but you're gonna be one hell of a mama bear for a while."
"It's worth it, then," Troy sighed, forcing himself onto his back. It took all four of his arms and one of his long legs to do it, but he loved how they sloshed around inside, the faintest of movements inside their bubbly shells.

Of course, Vank was right. Troy woke up one morning and scuttled over to the pool as if he were staggering out of bed for the bathroom. His arms and legs braced around it while a few waiting servants hurried over. It wasn't the best angle to see from, but he could feel their fingers pushing and rubbing at the fattened organ growing out of his hips. There was a thick purple oil that started building in the pool. After all those weeks of bloating, Troy was groaning with relief. It poured out of him like a freshly soaked dish towel.

While it wasn't an urge he'd thought of his entire time in this body, but it was such a glorious relief that his lower hand started masturbating. None of the servants said anything about it as they queen fingered herself until they had drained him empty. When they seemed done, Troy barely had the mind to try to keep his purple nesting slime pure and hobbled off of the pool to keep rubbing himself. It felt so right. His antennae curled up so that everything else faded, letting him focus on the feeling of pleasure and belonging as he fulfilled his role for his hive. Even something about Korien standing there watching patiently, unmoving until he would order him to, he felt so full. Sex for pleasure was overrated, he thought. This order, this purpose... that was the real pleasure.

Troy woke up screaming when the urge hit him. His thorax stayed deflated, back to the natural state as it was when he met Queen Yunmeshka (if slightly discolored from his excretions).There was a wet tearing sound as he stomped his awkward legs towards the pool, all four arms wrapping around his stomach. He could feel the fluids leaking through his fingers, but the eggs were large enough that he was able to keep them inside the thin line where his sac was split. The servants came and helped him hurry over to where the gel had started to thicken into one more questionable blob of jelly.

Troy felt himself black out for a moment, but he heard some wet tearing sound and felt his insides shifting. When he snapped back, he was being held up by the servants over the pool. They were working quickly and pushing the purple mush over the eggs where they'd landed in the mess. As soon as they saw Troy looking, they hurried to finish their work and scuttled back. His stomach was oddly light and he felt exhausted, but he counted twenty-three eggs that all looked full and healthy floating in the goop. That mix of pain and high and purpose filled him again, and he let himself collapse happy and exhausted by the pool containing his clutch of eggs.

There was this sort of tense pride that started to fill Troy over the next few days. He started taking his meals by the egg-laying pool (which he’d stopped caring about as little more than flavorful meat and jelly), just watching their vague jigglings. Vank said they weren’t really alive yet, but they moved like they were. Or they were trying to be. It was just plain fascinating. The next day, his handmaidens came by to apply some oils or the like to the eggs. Troy was surprised to find that he’d fallen asleep by the pool, and they wanted her permission to touch them. He thought it was weird, like nurses asking the doctor to confirm an injection. He let them do as they pleased, of course, since they seemed to know what they were doing more than he did. Even then, they were acting slow and careful. Vank’s book had told him that he’d be getting territorial about his nest, but he was feeling curious more than anything.

What’s that do?” he asked as they reached into the goo to rub the oils over the eggs themselves.

It’s a gene solvent,” one of the sterile ruex  explained. “It helps eliminate weaker traits and genetic illnesses like hive fever.”

Kind of like a human booster shot,” Vank added.

Oh. Good, then,” Troy said.

It also controls the hormones in their hatchling state to minimize the number of females in the population,” the ruex aide continued.

Except that part,” Vank corrected. They went on with these checkups over the days, always checking with his carefully before tending to each of the eggs. His diet was becoming consistently more flavorful now that he didn’t have to keep squeezing out eggs, but he found himself doing little besides watching the eggs and checking his old messenger account. The ruex (or more specifically, their hujaw underlings) were keeping his old bills paid up, even if he couldn’t really use his old insurance or anything. He mostly just kept up to let friends and family know he was fine… and that his eggs were coming along nicely.

He didn’t think it was out of the ordinary that he kept an eye on his eggs all day long. He was barely moving around, though apparently Ruex delivering their birth directly through the eggs meant they didn’t worry about putting on baby weight. They weren’t exactly active, so he could busy himself with other things like dispatching orders or browsing the cyberweb. He didn’t even need to do anything since the handmaidens knew how to handle the details. They were even able to handle the eggs without permission when they added more fluids.

Things didn’t get strange to him until it all suddenly snapped. He wasn't paying attention as he checked on some reports of the hive's harvest on nearby planets when some stranger laid her hands on her eggs. He'd later find out that it was a new handmaiden to replace the one who had an appointment today, but his mind didn't even consider that. The outrage was instant as the invading creature dared to intrude on his nest. The thieving, kiehkt, woosten whore from a rival hive was too weak to lay her own eggs and so was stealing his. Her hand had barely touched it when Troy threw himself at her, the angular legs of the ruex making his leap an especially powerful one. The unsuspecting handmaiden was slammed into the floor a good ten yards away with Troy on top of her, clinging with his lower limbs while his upper pair swung like slim hammers at her head and chest. Curses he had never used in his life rained down on her as she shrieked and shielded herself with all four of her limbs.

A few of the handmaidens made ginger attempts at restraining the furious Troy, but none wanted to risk hurting the queen. He heard shouting and pleading but the words didn't even reach through his outrage. Everything was almost painfully bright and clear to him as his antennae stood straight up like spikes on high alert. When her arms formed a capable wall to shield her body with, he grabbed her by the elbow and sank his teeth into the protecting limb. The aide screamed as he bit her arm clean off at the elbow in a short gush of purple blood.

"MAKE A HOLE, YA BIG BLUE IDIOTS!!" Vank shoved his way past the crowding but useless assistants, tapping frantically on a device until something finally reached Troy's mind as well as his ear slits.

Lotta people ‘round here dunno what it’s like huntin’ bounties. But then again, them people ain’t Bubba. Me? I’m Bubba. This here’s Bubba’s Bounty Huntin’ Bonanza.”

Troy froze and let the bloody limb fall out of his mouth. Did the new season start? He hadn't heard the intro in so long... not since he finished the last box set. Bubba's was just the perfect mix of stupid, exciting, and charming a reality show needed about a redneck space trucker turned bounty hunter. It was his absolute favorite before...

Troy shook his head and clambered off the handmaiden. Things had gotten so bad, he had almost forgot there was a before. Before the egg sacs and those hormones that made him feel good and warm all the time. Before his mind became focused on a single purpose and felt full and content just from that.

"I found that in your user history before this whole alien brain shit happened," Vank explained. "Thought it might spark somethin'. It was that or a voice-comm from your mom, but..." He chortled. "That one looked funnier. How is that show anyway? I heard good things."

"Thanks... Vank." Troy got back to his feet unsteadily, with the handmaidens acting more concerned for his balance than they were for the female with the missing arm. "I kind of lost it."

"Told ya you'd go mama bear." The squat alien handed Troy's holopad back to him. "Ya alright?"

"I'm okay now." It was true. His head was clearer than it had been since the jump. Things dulled around him as his antennae relaxed and he walked over to his bed to sit down. The eggs would be fine. They had been the whole time, and they didn't need him stalking over them all the time. The nursemaids knew what they were doing more than him. It was why they explained everything they did because they fucking knew better than a crazy queen full of hormones. He felt awful.

"Is she going to be okay?" Troy asked as he looked at the wounded woman he'd attacked in his preggo berserker rage.

"Her? Oh yea," Vank said like he just remembered. "Ruex guts are weird like that. They're almost like... like your Earth Legos. The parts come off real easily because they have extras. She won't be on top of her game, but she'll get by."

Troy gulped. He knew what happened to ruex who didn't pull their weight. They ended up serving in the cafeteria, and not as a staff member. "Is there a way to fix her? Like, does it grow back?"

"Doesn't grow back. It'll seal off, but the only way to put one back on her is to find her a spare."

Troy tensed for a moment, but he'd done this to her in the first place. It was his responsibility. "She can have one of mine." There was an audible gasp from the servants, but Troy just raised his many arms. "I've got too many as it is. They keep getting in the way, and I'm not the one doing all the work around here. I'm sure the queen will understand."
The injured handmaiden broke into tears, throwing herself on the ground at Troy's feet. She started licking them with her raspy tongue and blubbering out praises and thanks. "Peace and glory to all your bloodline, Queen Troy! I am unworthy of your wisdom and grace, my beautiful queen! May you live a thousand lifetimes beloved and eternal in all your perfection!" Troy guessed this was a big deal, but Yunmeshka felt like the kind of sweetheart who would do this sort of thing. In a worst case, she came back to her body and ordered one off another servant. He just didn't want that on his conscience.

"Vank, can you schedule the surgery... or whatever? Also, can I get a burger tonight? No... make it a big bowl of chili from down at Hoffzek's. With the curly fries."

"You got it, kid."

Things changed for Troy as he started getting back to normal. The hormones weren't gone, but he was aware of them and he could keep them at bay. He'd wince a little when the servants went to work on the eggs, but he assured himself it was just natural paranoia. He relaxed and caught up on his shows and playing holovid games while he dispatched the occasional harmless command on his people. He kept his mate around, but they didn't mate at all. He knew it didn't give him any pleasure, just eggs, but he kept him around as a symbol to keep away the other males and let him enjoy the luxurious benefits of being the queen's former fuckbuddy. Vank seemed glad to find that he was more in control than most of the queens, and they wasted a lot of their evenings kicking back with Vank and Korien, showing them the last 5 seasons of Bubba's Bounty Huntin' Bonanza.

It helped kill the time until the eggs hatched, spawning a bunch of little squishy ruex. Troy felt that tingle again, but the handmaidens plucked the chirping little pupas up and with his casual approval, trotted them off for processing. "That wasn't so hard," Troy admitted as he flopped back into bed in front of the holograms. "Gross, but not hard."

"Frankly, kid, that's all a ruex can ask for," Vank said as he passed him the popcorn. Troy tucked it under his arm, finding it just as easy to hold with just three arms instead of four.